
This section will contain posts in Philosophy, Psychology and Consciousness.

Psychology is a science. Philosophy consists of ideas, or hypothesis, that have not yet, or may not ever, be recognized as science.

The American Psychological Association states that "Psychologists employ the scientific method — stating the question, offering a theory and then constructing rigorous laboratory or field experiments to test the hypothesis."  So a hypothesis would be considered philosophy until it is recognized has having been verified as science.

I will post ideas that will deal with the attitudes, mindsets and perspectives that I think will lead to better psychological health. Some of these ideas are recognized as part of psychology, while others are still considered philosophy.

For example, practicing gratitude is recognized by the psychological community as a healthy practice. But a philosophy of life that includes practicing gratitude may also include ideas and practices that may not (yet) be recognized as part of the science of psychology. Other philosophical ideas, such as the role language itself plays in forming of our psyche, is 'far from straightforward'.


There are Three Basic Meanings of Consciousness as stated in the article of the same name by Gregg Henriques Ph.D. Those meanings are:

  1. functional awareness of the external environment
  1. subjective experience
  1. explicit self-consciousness awareness

From any definition, consciousness is a component of psychology. Definition #1, functional awareness, is detectable, measurable and clearly within the realm of science. Subjective experience and explicit self-consciousness awareness can be discussed among humans, but not accurately measured and quantified. Subjective experience in animals, and if animals even have self-conscious awareness, is speculative, and thus is within the realm of philosophy.

In summary, most of the posts from this blog will contain aspects of 2, or possibly all 3 of the disciplines mentioned here.
For a list of the Philosophy posts, click here:


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